Portland Property Management: Evictions and Late Fees Explained

The eviction process in Portland has become more complicated. We have new city regulations that recently went into effect, starting in 2016. According to these regulations, a Portland landlord may be required to pay up to $4,500 in relocation fees for filing a no-cause eviction to remove a tenant from the property.

Property Management Portland: No-Cause vs. For-Cause

The idea had always been that it was easier to do a no-cause eviction than wading into what could become a messy for-cause eviction. But in Portland, that now comes with a financial consequence. If you want to pursue a no-cause eviction, you will have to provide your tenant with a 90 day notice period and up to $4,500.

Portland Investment Property: Pursuing For-Cause Evictions

With this new regulation in place, it’s a better idea to pursue a for-cause eviction if there’s a problem or a lease violation. If your tenant is late paying rent and you’ve already implement late fees and notices but you don’t receive payment, you can evict for that reason. If you’re going to evict for some other breach of the rental contract, make sure you have proof. Documenting your case is critical. Take pictures and collect documented statements from neighbors. You may also need to engage a service that gets after hours documentation. You might need dash cam video that relays the events that are going on at your Portland rental property after hours. Hire a private investigator to collect evidence of lease violations at the home. With precise and accurate information, forms, and documentation, most rule violations can lead you to a path that results in a for-cause eviction. 

Portland investors always have the option to do a for-cause eviction. You’ll simply need to be prepared to spend up to $4,500 in fees. We are well-versed in both for-cause evictions and no-cause evictions, and we can handle any of your Portland property management needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at Fox Management when you need help removing a tenant from your property.